The Nonprofit Consultants School

Attention coaches and consultants to nonprofits...FINALLY! A program designed specifically for you to show you how to grow your business around the lifestyle you want!


Is this you?

  • Trying to build a business, but always chasing the next client
  • Exhausted from burning the candle at both ends to get things done
  • Frustrated at not making the money you want
  • Aching for more freedom to enjoy your life instead of working all the time!
  • Dreading the icky feeling of promoting yourself but knowing you have to
  • Wanting to build a successful, satisfying business, but no idea of how to do it

We understand. Because we’ve both been there, right where you are.

Betsy has been consulting for more than eleven years and Sandy, seven. We have felt your frustration of having more deadlines than you can shake a stick at (the feast) and not knowing where the next paying client is coming from (the famine.)

We understand your desire to help lots of nonprofit organizations, sharing your skills and talents. We understand about wanting to be very successful but questioning “Do I really know enough to be an expert? Will people really pay me to help them (and pay me well)?” We know that you might even feel a little guilty about wanting to be wildly successful in your business at the expense of nonprofit organizations.

Fortunately, after plenty of mistakes, wasted effort and wasted time, we both wised up and invested in top-notch business coaching from the best and brightest in the industry…Ali Brown, Fabienne Fredrickson and Christine Gallagher just to name a few. In our individual journeys, we found the guidance and support we needed in a coach. The only problem was that no business coaches understand our industry or speak our language. We each had to figure out a LOT of stuff for ourselves.

So, we’ve decided to share what we’ve learned about creating a successful coaching/consulting business serving nonprofits.

Announcing The Nonprofit Consultants School

Our inaugural event took place March 14-15, 2013, in Rome, GA and it was fantastic!

Inaugural Nonprofit Consultant School Class


What is the Nonprofit Consulting School?

It’s two days packed full of training to rock your nonprofit consulting business. Sandy and Betsy will be teaching you how to  grow your business in an authentic way.

  • You’ll learn what you MUST know about marketing to be successful. And face it – if you can’t market to keep clients coming in, you don’t have a business.  You have a hobby.
  • You’ll learn how to STOP doing the work for your client and how to START doing more coaching and consulting.
  • You’ll learn how a one-to-many model can set you up to help lots more nonprofits and make more money. This one piece can change EVERYTHING for your business!

The Nonprofit Consultants School will give you the information and support you need to springboard to the next level!

Specifically you’ll learn:

Day 1 –

  • Identifying your marketable skills and how to use those to your advantage
  • Uncovering and overcoming negative money attitudes that get in your way of making money
  • Developing your credibility and establishing yourself as the expert
  • Staking your unique niche in the nonprofit industry
  • Building your unique image and personal branding that makes more clients trust you and want to do business with you


Day 2 –

  • Clearly identifying your ideal client (the one that wants to work with you)
  • Creating a marketing funnel and the services/products you’ll offer
  • Crafting an irresistible offer that pulls in client prospects
  • Identifying exactly what to include on your website so it works for you
  • Building a list of devoted followers (you may not even have one right now…or even know why you need it – but you do. ;)
  • Creating products that help people learn and add money to your bottom line


And this is just the tip of the iceberg of what you’ll be learning!

You’ll have the chance to network with dozens of other nonprofit coaches and consultants. Your next and most successful joint venture partner will likely be in the room!


What’s it like to learn from us?

Read what a few of our clients had to say about the first Nonprofit Consultants School:

“It was really great! Candid advice, access to presenters, great venue, all at an affordable price! My biggest takeaway is ‘how I do anything is how I do everything.’”

Esther James
Nonprofit Consultant

“I was able to move off the fence with a roadmap—something I hadn’t allowed myself to think was possible. The real world examples coupled with mindset activities were very effective and much needed!”
Kimberly Hays
Nonprofit Consultant

“Thank you! This ‘school’ really helped me to clarify what I really want to do—rather than what I can make money doing as a consultant. I learned more about honing in on my niche—understanding it so I can craft my messages and build my business.”
Amanda Womac
Amanda Womac Strategic Communications

“I really appreciated Betsy and Sandy’s willingness to share information and insight into building a successful business! My head and heart are overwhelmed—thank you for helping me realize some of my fears and helping me with my future plans!”
Kim Bryant
Nonprofit Consultant


Just imagine – after two days with us, you’ll feel energized, focused, and ready to change your business so you can help more people. No more stress and worry over how you’re going to make it. Just the excitement of jumping out of bed each day, eager to get to work and start serving clients. You’ll leave with clarity, vision, and a plan to make it happen. Sound good?


We’ll be scheduling the next School very soon. Want to be among the first to hear about it?

Sign up here for advance notice!

Sign Up Here

What’s it cost?

You can easily spend thousands at similar events with other business coaches (we know – we’ve done it!). To keep it affordable and easy for you to join us, we invite you to join us for just $647. To make it even better, we’ll cover your lodging AND meals!


Your ticket price includes:

  • 2 days of learning how to kick-start and exponentially grow your nonprofit consulting business
  • A binder with all the handouts, worksheets, and templates we’ll be using in the workshop
  • 2 nights’ lodging
  • Delicious, freshly-prepared gourmet meals
  • Access to two approachable and down-to-earth gals whose only mission is to help you succeed

Betsy and Sandy both offer high-end coaching programs where their clients pay thousands of dollars to learn from them. Attending a live, two-day workshop with them is an incredible value for the money!

We’re eager to teach you everything we’ve learned over the years that’s helped us live the life we want, doing the work we want with people who make a difference. Come join us!

All our best,

Sandy & Betsy


Want more inspiration? Here’s what our businesses look like today:


I’ve traveled extensively this year to speak, teach, and consult with nonprofit organizations all over the United States and beyond, and it’s been so much FUN!! Everywhere I go, people tell me how much they love my books, my blog, or something else they’ve read of mine. I work from home, with a window that faces my pasture, so I can watch my horses graze. I have the flexibility to take time off to be with my daughters, have a day of fun during the week, or to do whatever I need to do. I have to pinch myself sometimes – I’m living the life of my dreams and running a 6-figure business from my bedroom!


My main focus for becoming an entrepreneur was to be able to stay at home with my son Rhodes. It’s not always easy running a business with an energetic 5 year-old underfoot, but it’s SO worth it! I love being able to take him to ball practice or to the pool and just spend time with him without worrying about taking time off from a job. Freedom is very important to me, and I love being in control of my schedule!


Got questions? Want to talk with one of us to see if this event is right for you? Email us at or